20 week summary – Twin Pregnancy

With my first pregnancy I was so good about blogging about the entire experience. This time it has been a bit challenging since my time on a laptop is so limited. And by the kiddos bedtime I’m too exhausted to be thinking about how and what I’m feeling. I generally just shut down and lounge in front of the TV. But I will definitely regret it if I don’t capture the experience because I love reading my old entries. So I thought I’d go ahead and one of the summaries at the least. It will be fun to see the differences between a second pregnancy and also a twin pregnancy!  
(Almost) 20 week summary:
How far along? 
2nd Pregnancy: 19 weeks & 5 days
1st Pregnancy: 20 weeks & 6 days
Size of Baby: 
2nd Pregnancy: Our anatomy scan told us babies are about 10 oz each! The web tells me they’re about the size of a bell pepper. 
1st Pregnancy: Length of a Banana ~10 inches from head to heel, 10.5 oz 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 
2nd Pregnancy: About About 3-4 lbs up from normal. I’m at 110lbs 
1st Pregnancy: About 5-6 lbs, tummy is definitely showing..I’m at 111lbs
Maternity Clothes: 
2nd Pregnancy: Mostly wearing maternity clothes since a few weeks ago. I didn’t even bother with the Belly Band this time because it was just not comfortable being in jeans and normal pants. I’m usually in the few maternity pants I have or yoga pants. 
1st Pregnancy: Still wearing the Belly Band with jeans. And a lot preggo tops since other tops are too tight and short on me now. Leggings and dresses or long tops are also super comfie.  
2nd Pregnancy: We had our anatomy scan on Monday and hubby was tempted to find out the gender of ONE baby. Yes, how weird! But fortunately, we were both on the same page and decided to keep it a surprise (for now). The Doctor and technician was telling us most twin parents find out the gender so we would have to keep reminding them at every appointment to keep it a secret. Let’s hope it stays a surprise!
1st Pregnancy: We could’ve found out at our 20 week anatomy scan but we had decided not to. So it’ll be a surprise! 
Belly Button In/Out: 
2nd Pregnancy: I’ve been an outtie with this pregnancy for the last 2+ weesks! So much earlier this time. 
1st Pregnancy: Innie is becoming an outtie! SO WEIRD!
Stretch Marks: 
2nd Pregnancy: I haven’t even been paying attention this time around. Who has the time?
1st Pregnancy: Still can’t see anything, crossing my fingers that they don’t appear. I’ve been applying Neutrogena’s Body Oil daily to help with the itching and overall moisturizing. 
Wedding Ring: 
 2nd Pregnancy: I haven’t been wearing my engagement ring much since I found out I was pregnant. And since my last pregnancy, I can’t find my wedding band! Where did I put it????
1st Pregnancy: I’m down to only wearing my wedding band. Had to stop wearing my engagement ring a few weeks ago and took off my two other rings which I always wear last week since they were becoming really really tight! 
Labor Signs: 
 2nd Pregnancy: Nothing…just lots of stretching!
1st Pregnancy: Nothing…let’s keep it that way till October!
 2nd Pregnancy: I’ve been feeling movements this time since about a month ago! It has just gotten more and more distinct as the weeks went by. Hubby was also able to feel it this week! 
1st Pregnancy: Lots and lots of movement! I love it. As of about 1.5 weeks I’ve been feeling very very distinct movement, it’s really exciting. Feels like pulsing.  
 2nd Pregnancy: I’m sleeping with 2 pillows. One to elevate my throbbing feel and the other to put between my legs. My pregnancy pillow is still in the kiddos room, I need to start using that instead! I can’t believe I was at 5 pillows last time – haha! I guess my body has become more tolerable. 
1st Pregnancy: Sleeping has been a challenge. I went from having two pillows to elevate my throbbing legs, to three pillows – one more to put between my legs to alleviate back pain, to four pillows – one more added to support my back and balance the pressure, to the current state FIVE pillows – one additional pillow added to support my back pillow. It’s basically a pillow fort in our bed. But all the pillows really help in sleeping comfortably!  
2nd Pregnancy: No major craving this time too. I do like having my Indian food regularly. And I still have the “see food” diet tendency. My recent comfort food is: milk and sprite every now and then. Other than that I’m liking everything.
1st Pregnancy: No major major cravings. I have my random days where I just want to eat salty or sweet things. Aversions have gotten a lot better than my first trimester. But there are some things I just don’t feel like eating it just really depends on that day. My recent comfort foods have been: Khichdi (Cooked Rice/Lentils) & Kadhi (Yogurt & Besan flour based soup), Indian style Corn on the Cob (Makaii), Ice Cream.    
2nd Pregnancy: this time around I had a lot of nausea my first trimester. I also had a lot of fatigue the first trimester. Both of those things have gotten better since. Now I get stomach aches in the evenings (just like last time) and my feet still throb at night. My heartburn has already started this time around too. 
1st Pregnancy: My stomach aches have gotten a lot better but my legs have been a nightmare. They always start aching in the evenings. It’s so painful that it’s hard to sit still. Hubby has been such a sport about pressing my feet to help alleviate the pain. I don’t know what I’d do without him! Between pressing my feet and tucking me in to all the pillows, he’s been my lifesaver! 
2nd Pregnancy: The last few weeks the overwhelming feeling has kicked in. Up until then, I was more excited about the unknown and new aspect of this pregnancy and beyond. But now I’m starting to think more about the limited time I have left with just Baby (Toddler) S and how he will do once the babies are here. I don’t think I’m even thinking about what is to come with the babies, I’m thinking more about the big brother and his needs and how life will change with/for him…makes me sad. But I am excited about the built in friends/bonds/relationship he is going to be gifted. 
1st Pregnancy: Overwhelmed at the amount of things going on…and how much we need to square away before baby arrives. Excited to meet our baby boy or girl! So so so grateful at the healthy progress of baby’s growth.
Best Moment this Week: 
2nd Pregnancy: Our anatomy scan! It was exciting to see the BABIES! They are growing, as am I! We got to see all the ity bity parts of the babies. Currently, twin “A” is on my left side and twin “B” is on my right side. Twin A is currently head down with feet upwards, while Twin B is feet down, and head upwards. Basically, they’re kicking each other in the head :). On a normal basis at home, Twin B is the one that I feel moving the most (my right side). Twin A is usually calmer. It was definitely fun seeing them and kinda having an image of how they are positioned now. 
1st Pregnancy: Our 20 week anatomy scan!!! OMG seeing the little feet, and the calves, thighs, ears, face…ahh it was just so heart warming! Even watching the baby move from being on it’s back, to it’s side to its stomach was just so adorable! I’m so eager to meet this little one! We also really really enjoyed going to Buy Buy Baby a few weeks ago (Memorial Day weekend) and spending half a day looking at carseats and strollers. We also registered there and looked at a whole bunch of other baby stuff. Whether we use this registry or not…it was just a fun and special experience.
What I Miss: 
2nd Pregnancy: I miss being able to lift Toddler S without feeling winded or tired or paranoid about hurting myself/babies. I also miss being able to put Toddler S on my feet and lifting him up and just being totally okay physically when I’m playing with him. He loves cuddling and climbing on me and I’m always worried about how rough he may be but I miss being carefree about it! 
1st Pregnancy: Still miss my daily cup of tea…but I’ve cut myself some slack and have it on the weekend! I miss fitting into all my clothes too and shopping for clothes without having to worry about whether it’s worth getting them given I don’t know how long they’ll fit me.  
What I am Looking Forward To: 
2nd Pregnancy: I’m looking forward to figuring out what our car situation is going to be. With 3 carseats we’re spending a lot of time exploring what makes the most sense with the situation but also what is most functional for me on an ongoing basis. I’m also looking forward to the months to come where I get to treasure my 1:1 time with Toddler S. He is just so much fun and developing so much that it does make me a bit sad that life is going to go in turbo, I don’t want to miss any part of his growing up! 
1st Pregnancy: As of last week I was so eager to see Baby at the anatomy scan! But now I’m looking forward to having our parents finalize our Babyshower details. I’m also looking forward to starting to setting up the Baby’s room…hopefully staying minimalistic but it will still be fun. We also have a few more baby prep classes to attend which will be a great preview into what to expect. And of course, we’re counting the days till we get to meet the little one. 
2nd PregnancY: I guess we’re already half way there this time around too! With twins, it’s very likely they will come earlier, so technically I’m pass the half-way mark!
1st Pregnancy: 1/2 way there! So hard to believe 
Next Appointment: 
2nd Pregnancy: Mid-October! 
1st Pregnancy: June 24th! 

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