Happy 2nd Birthday to my first…

To my baby S, 

Last month you turned 2 years old. In another month or so you’ll officially be a big big (yes, x2) brother. So much growing up in so little time but in my eyes you are still my little baby. The little baby that I held inside of me a little over 2.5 years ago. You kicked, you moved, you made my belly do some funky rolls but made my heart feel so so so filled with love. You came into our lives and into our arms on a very early Sunday morning after a very long day of laboring but that moment was priceless. I remember in those initial days in the hospital you were so so quiet, you just observed your surroundings, stared into space, looked into my eyes when I nursed you and cuddled so close to me when I held you. Even the weeks to follow, you hardly cried. You had a few days in the first month where you were unconfortable and needed some extra loving and rocking but that was it. You slowly and steadily adjusted to life outside the womb. 
Over the past 2 years, you have continued to surprise us day after day. You are so social and so aware of everything around you even today. Your memory is just amazing. I don’t know how you remember such details about things, places, people you’ve encountered months ago. At 2 years old you are reciting almost all your prayers fluently on your own. You have full conversations with me throughout the day telling me, asking me and sharing with me everything we do together. You love talking. I know where you get that from :). Growing up, Ba and Dada always told me that I used to talk SO much, non-stop, that it was impossible for me to sit quietly, even if I was bribed. I never quite understood how much I actually talked until now. I see it in you. You are non-stop. And even though lately, I’ve been tired and irritated, I love every thing you have to say. When you go to sleep (like right now), I sit and look at your pictures and replay videos of you. I miss you even though you’re only napping. I know I will miss these conversations we have when you grow out of this phase, when talking to mommy will not be as exciting as it is today. This year you learned so many new things. Two of the biggest and life long skills you learned was walking and talking! You took your first steps close to your first birthday but me and Daddie were so excited when you took those first couple steps we shrieked in excitement which we believe scared you! You didn’t end up doing it again for another few months. Then one day in early January when we were at the library for storytime, you walked. You walked all around the library like you had done this a dozen times before. It was such an exciting moment for me! I felt like you may have been secretely practicing your walking skills when we weren’t looking because you honestly did it like a pro! From that day onwards, it was go, go, go! You always were an explorer, even when you were just crawling, but walking took it to a whole new level. You were a dare devil trying new tricks with your new skill. 
Around the same time frame, you started using more and more words. You continued to sign many things in order to communicate to us such as milk, water, more, finished but in the coming months those signs slowly became words. You even had words of your own which I am so going to miss when you figure out how to say them properly. Some of our favorites…
Garbage – Gaahbagaah
Pani (Water) – Meechii
Zuchinni – Takkameintakka
Hippopottomus – Hippochichi
Napkin – Nammit
Football – Takkatee
You have already started saying some of these properly and it is so tempting to have you say it your way rather than the proper way but I know this is just a sign of you further developing your language skills. You’ve also started reciting all of your prayers on your own in the last 3 months. Again, it was as if you have been practicing on your own and all of a sudden you blurted it all out. It was so shocking to hear the first time. You are listening and absorbing every single thing around you. It is amazing. I pray you continue to take in all the positive things around you and let it shape your life. 
Samay, you are my everything. You have taught me to be patient, you have taught me to push my limits physically, emotionally and spiritually. Seeing you growing up is such a bittersweet experience. Had this time not passed by I would not have experienced all these wonderful things about you but at the same time, I want to pause time so I can embrace it all more slowly and for a longer time. Next month our family will grow. You will have two siblings! I am so excited about meeting your new siblings, seeing all of your adventures together and watching you all develop a lifelong bond that is truly indescribable. I am thankful to God for allowing us to give you this gift of siblings and everything that will come as a part of it. 
The coming months and years will be a big change from the last few years. We will all be sharing so much more of our time, our love, our energy and so much more with each other. We will learn to be more patient and tolerant because of the new experiences that will come. The last two years have been all about you and I absolutely treasure them. It makes me so sad to know that our bond will be impacted in the coming future. Not necessarily in a bad way but in a way that we are not used to and it will take some time for us to adjust to it. I am going to miss our moments, just the two of us. The laughs, the giggles, the hugs, the conversations, the chasing, the outings and all our inside jokes. Even though it’s hard for me to see it right now, I know it’s only going to get more exciting because we will have two more people to add to our adventures and these two will follow you through life, even when your Daddie and I are no longer here. They will look up to you, they will want to do everything you do, they will drive you crazy because you may not want them around some days but I know years from now you too will be so thankful for each other. 
Please be patient with your mommy and daddie in these coming years. You are joining a very, very special club Samay. You’re going to be an older sibling. Ask me what that’s like, but more so, remind me what that’s like. On those days that we are very tired and cranky, we may forget that after all you’re only a 2 year old and still just a little baby. On those days where it’s not you who’s misbehaving or causing a ruckus, please forgive us for getting mad at you and expecting more out of you. You will always be the older one, and they will always be the younger ones but only when it comes to them. Know that in my heart you are always, always going to be my baby. My baby that gave me such a special title of Mummie/Mumma. My baby that taught me how to be a mother. The baby that gave me the confidence to be a mommy to your siblings too. You changed my life and I am forever grateful, so no matter how old you are, or how much we expect from you as a big brother, know that you have already given us so much just by blessing our lives. You inspire us, you make us proud and unfortunately for your siblings you have set a very high bar of what the first two years of baby & toddler life is like. We pray that your siblings will be as calm, collected, great sleepers, eaters, social bees and have a little of every part of you in them too. 
We love you baby and are so excited for the big shoes you continue to create, that are going to be harder and harder to fill as each day passes by! May Bhagvan always bless you with the strength you need, all the happiness you deserve and good health to allow you to contribute to making the world a better place. 
Mummie (& Pappa). 


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