Good-bye co-sleeping, Hello floor bed

Two days ago, we had Baby S sleep on the floor in our room. He did really well. He slept through the night as usual and woke up when he was hungry in the early morning and went right back to sleep after some coo’s and caah’s.

I, on the otherhand, had a bit of separation anxiety. I was super emotional to have him sleep “so far” from me. I’m so used to peeping at him and seeing him in the middle of the night, or just hearing him breathing and moving in the middle of the night is reassuring that he’s okay. I had a little tear session as it hit me that our little boy was already growing up. First it’s sleeping on his own…and soon enough he’ll be eating on his own too. It’s all so bittersweet.
The second night was better because we moved him closer to our bed so he was more visible from where I sleep.
An exciting next step to get him and us prepared for a good nights sleep without waking each other up.DSC_6977

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