Black Bean, Quinoa & Veggie Patties for Toddlers

Lately, I’ve been trying to come up with a variety of options for Baby S to eat since he’s starting to get bored of his usual meals. Keeping meals interesting and healthy definitely requires being creative. Luckily, there is a lot of inspiration online.

I had found a protein packed recipe online for patties but ended up making my own version for Baby S since I wanted to omit some ingredients while being able to use up stuff I had in the fridge.

Vegetarian Black Bean & Quinoa Patty for Toddler Finger Foods

 This is a great meal option when we are out and about because it’s filling, healthy and not too messy (unless you take the yogurt too)! Oh and Baby S loved it!!

Update: the beans and the quinoa was cooked using my favorite kitchen gadget, the Instant Pot

Black Bean, Quinoa & Veggie Patties
Yields 10
A healthy black bean, quinoa & veggie lunch option
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  1. 1/2 cup cooked black beans
  2. 1/2 cup shredded cheese (of your choice)
  3. 1/2 to 3/4 cups cooked quinoa
  4. Handful of spinach (and other veggies of your choice)
  5. 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil for cooking
  1. Blend together black beans, cheese and veggies in a food processor or blender.
  2. Remove into a bowl
  3. Mix in quinoa
  4. Heat a pan on the stove, once it's hot add a little olive oil to coat pan
  5. Put a spoonful of the mixture onto the pan the size of your pattie (I usually cook a few spoonfuls at a time)
  6. Let it cook until the mushy-ness binds on the bottom
  7. Flip over after once one side is cooked
  8. Repeat on other side
  1. You can add in other veggies like carrots, zucchini, beets etc.
  2. Pattie should not fall apart once they are cooked on both sides but they will be nice and soft.
  3. Baby S is usually able to hold these and eat them on his own
  4. Yogurt is a great dip for these patties.

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