Registry Fun

A few weeks ago (Memorial Day weekend), we decided to stop in at Buy Buy Baby one more time to take a better look at carseats and strollers. Our next few weeks/months are looking super jam packed and I want to make sure we get the research out of the way now so we are ready to place an order once it gets closer.

It was a rather productive visit as we focused on mainly carseats and strollers. We also started our baby registry. It was fun and overwhelming all at once. We realized there is just a lot of stuff for these little people and most of it is probably not needed.

More recently, on Friday, we went and decided to also register at Babies R Us since there is only one Buy Buy Baby in our area. Same experience, we really weren’t finding things we really really really needed or wanted. Lots of cute nice to haves but not many must haves. After coming home we decided to consolidate the Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby registry with a very minimalistic approach. What a relief!

We also spent some time on Saturday evaluating options for the Baby’s room. Again, nothing extravagant but more so what do we really need and how can we best maximize the space for the years to come. We’re thinking to put in some basic closet organizers to make room for Baby’s ity bity clothes and things.

As I may have mentioned before, we’re leaning towards a Montesorri type room setup for baby. With this the room is setup such that it is by default “baby proof” and allows for the baby to roam around and explore the room as it gets older rather than confining it in a crib. I definitely think we will have to try it out and see how it works for us. Just the thought of Baby crawling around in an empty room makes me a bit nervous.

More on this as we figure it out…

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