One month to go (or so we hope)!
Today is exactly one month until our due date! And tomorrow is my last day at work before I start maternity leave. It’s all just coming so quickly now. Before we know it we’ll be holding our little Baby in our arms and the wait will be over and a new journey will have begun.
It’s been such an amazing journey thus far. From the day we found out, to seeing Baby and the heartbeat on the ultra sound for the first time, to feeling the first movements, and now the kicking and jabbing is just making this little life inside of me feel more and more real.
This journey is a rare moment in a woman’s life and a reminder that to be a woman is just such a blessing. I mean God has given us the ability to have two hearts beating within us…I never really thought about it like this until now. Also, all the mechanics and miraculous process to grow a new life within our own bodies. The ability for our bodies to do some crazy things in order to not only grow/fit the new life in our bodies but also for our bodies to produce the necessary things to provide for the baby and ourselves. It’s such a miraculous process.
Someone once said in passing that every pregnant woman at some point feels like she is the only woman going through this (meaning the experience of pregnancy). And it’s true, it’s often so easy to forget that this miracle of conceiving, pregnancy and birth has been going on since the beginning of time. It does very much feel like I am so lucky and fortunate to be going through this amazing journey while on other days you question and worry about every single little thing. That’s when I remind myself, I’m just one more woman going through this and it really has been perfected by God…everything will fall into place as it’s suppose to and I will do whatever I possibly can to nurture this gift of life and bring it into this world.
And I’m sure every generation of women stresses and worries about the world this child is coming into. I know as soon to be new parents we wonder how our child will be safe in this crazy world and what all we can do to protect them. And yet every generation does just fine so long as the parents serve as role models, provide the loving and nurturing environment to guide the child in life.
We are so excited and anxious about the coming weeks. We are also trying to enjoy the last of “just the two of us“. Even though Baby is already a big part of our lives we know once he/she is here it will be a lot harder, in the short term, to do some of the things we are used to doing so effortlessly.