5 weeks of Life

This past weekend we welcomed Baby S home!

After spending 4.5 wonderful weeks at my parents house it was time to begin life back at our place and what an experience the past few days has been. Leaving my parents place was tough. Tears were shed but great memories and new bonds had been created.
We brought Baby S home on Sunday, December 1st. Even though we only live 15 minutes away our journey home was quite an adventure. We had to make a few stops on the way home (get milk, starbucks – the essentials). And while we made these pitstops, Baby S decided to make his own call to nature while we were in the car. Long story short, we had what in momma talk is called “an explosion”. His clothes were soiled, so were my pants (since I was holding him when it happened). It was hilarious and definitely a memorable ride home. We had stopped by to pick up some balloons to bring home with Baby S but in addition to that we had a sweet little surprise when we got home, Hubby had decorated the place to welcome Baby S home! It was so sweet!
Coming home was exciting and overwhelming all at once. I was sad that I wouldn’t be seeing my parents and brother everyday. I was stressed thinking about how I would manage being a new mom and keeping up with my responsibilities as a wife, an individual and recovering.
The last time I was home I was pregnant! Life was different when I left. And here I am, a whole new person! A mom! It was weird looking around the house and seeing how things were when we left for the monitoring that October 26th morning.
But here we are 4 days in…establishing a new routine and creating new memories in our home.Yesterday was my first full day at home with Baby S and it wasn’t so bad. We did great. I think the hardest part right now is finding time to eat for myself. Everything else is manageable. We’re also keeping Baby S upstairs right now so with that and my recovery, going up and down the stairs has been tough. Hopefully, in a few more weeks it will get easier.
Baby S has been adjusting really well too.The first two nights were tough. He cried a lot and we definitely felt like he sensed the change, especially that first night. But he’s been great since. We have been trying our best to keep him in a routine which is helping me for sure and hopefully him too!
We are so excited to create new memories with Baby S in our home.


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