4 months of life

Time is flying…in just a few days my little baby is going to be 4 months old.

The past month has been so rewarding. He is growing so quickly and doing new things every day.
I am absolutely addicted to his laugh and squeals.
I had an emotional break down yesterday just thinking about him growing up. Imagining him as a young boy overwhelmed me. His warm cuddles and slobbery kisses are the highlights of my day. I can’t imagine the day where he is not Mommy’s biggest fan.
Right now, he laughs at everything and anything I do. They are precious moments in my heart.
He has started to do mini crunches. When he is lying flat on his back, he tries to pull himself up. He’ll grab your fingers if you hold them up in front of you and often pulls himself to sitting and then standing position with support.
He has amazing neck strength even though he is not a huge fan of tummy time.
I love my lil baby. he just melts my heart.

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