33 week summary
Maternity Clothes: I’ve invested in a few pairs of maternity pants for work and I have some comfie lounge pants for the weekends. A few friends have also passed along maternity clothes which have come in VERY handy!
Gender: Still a surprise! But so excited to find out now!
Belly Button In/Out: Beyond an outtie! Feels like someone took my belly and flipped it inside out. It’s a very obvious button that sticks up on my belly. And it’s SUPER soft.
Stretch Marks: Can’t see any major ones. But I’ve seem some streaks here. Still applying Neutrogena’s Body Oil daily to help with the itching and overall moisturizing.
Sleep: Sleeping has been a tough! Luckily, my brother surprised me and got me one of those pregnancy pillows. It’s been a lifesaver. We were able to retire the 5+ pillows I had been sleeping with. Turning is hard…staying on my side is hard and getting comfortable is nearly impossible.
Cravings/Aversions: Still nothing major. I will have a desire for random foods once someone mentions them. There have been a few times where someone mentions food and then I either end up making it or we go out for it. So most of my “cravings” are fed off of what others are eating, suggesting or talking about.